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Get additional money back from PPL PRS for 2019/20

Updated: Oct 1, 2020

Our bread and butter, pre-Covid 19, was making sure our clients only ever paid for the music (and TV) they used. And we were pretty good at it too, saving over £7.5m since 2014 across a raft of sectors and clients.

If you're yet to have your 2020 review with PPL PRS, or the other licensing bodies, the period between your last renewal date and Covid closure can still be looked at to see if you made an overpayment last year in your estimated declaration. If your business didn't close due to the pandemic then the full 12 months can be looked at and refunds achieved for the full year.

This is the part of what we do that is only charged on success, meaning it's a totally cost neutral exercise. No saving - no fee.

To clarify, we only charge fees on the periods you were open that we've been able to improve and influence, never on enforced closure times.

There are many nuanced areas of the tariffs you're charged under and we know better than most how these should be applied, an average client saves c19% but we've seen as much as 50% reductions per annum when declarations are made incorrectly. Even if they've already had someone look at this for them.


Your renewal is in August and you closed for 3 months due to Covid 19. PPL PRS won't charge you at all for that period of closure because of Coronavirus, that's great.

BUT, there are still the other 9 months to consider, which will be charged on a prorated basis. Did you do what you said? Were you as busy as he previous year? Did the closure coincide with one of your busier trading periods?

MMS exist to find out the answer to these questions and more (we'll create a bespoke liSense form to capture information in the easiest and most accurate way) and will discover if any other money is due back for 2019/20. If there's nothing to find, there's nothing to pay.

We feel it's a no brainer and would love to put some extra funds into your business at these of all times, email and we'll have a short discussion to see if we can help.

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