Music Licence Reviews and Declarations
My Music Solutions know the music licensing process better than anyone, which means you don’t have to. We’ll support and understand your business so when the time comes to renew, you’ll be both compliant and minimise cost.
We’ll get a firm grasp on music usage, at every one of your sites, to make sure you’re licensed under the correct PRS for Music and PPL tariffs.
Since 2014 we’ve been working on developing bespoke processes and systems that work for a multitude of music use across all business types. Our online portal ‘liSense’ allows us to distribute and collate information in real time meaning we’re uniquely placed to get to the correct data with minimal disruption.
We have 45 years of recent, relevant experience working with and for the UK's performing rights organisations. During that time we’ve helped shape their policies, systems and processes.
Our consultants are on hand to offer unrivalled support and guidance.
There aren’t many scenarios we haven’t seen here at MMS, so whether you have a query or dispute on your bill. Want to know what your options are regarding resolutions or complaints with the Performing Rights Organisations. Or if you're being charged under the best possible tariffs, we can help.
We’ve worked with a number of trade associations, helping them work through negotiations and have provided important feedback during tariff consultations. We’re in the helpful position to be able to work through real world scenarios with actual customer data from multiple sources to benefit a whole sector.
Does your licence need some TLC? If you’d like us to take on a more admin heavy project, cleaning up closed/new sites for example; or if the process and timescales have got a bit too much, we can help with that too.
Royalty Free Music
We also know the ins and outs of music that is exempt from licence fees altogether. This music has moved on greatly in recent years, with hundreds of thousands of great quality tracks to choose from and huge reductions in outlay.
This can be particularly useful in high value retail where studies have shown unfamiliar yet good quality music improved dwell times and reduced the likelihood of distraction and annoyance by two thirds. Big ticket sales floors have an incredible amount to gain through the use of royalty free music.
Get in touch to get an impartial view on whether this could work for you.

In recent years you may have heard of the Motion Picture Licensing Company (MPLC). Their licensing capabilities were expanded when changes were made to the Copyright Design and Patents Act in 2016.
If you broadcast television in your business there's a strong chance an MPLC licence will be required
Top Tip: If you only play news, music and sports channels no MPLC licence is needed.